
A networking app created for Gen Z by Gen Z.

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The Community You’ve Been Looking For

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    Elevate your network.

    Find like-minded friends, potential business partners, influencers, mentors, mentees and more.
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    Invest in yourself.

    Surround yourself with a community of ambitious young adults by asking questions and joining discussions.
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    Become your best self.

    Elevate yourself on a personal, professional and entrepreneurial level. Are you ready?

Video is the future of networking.

Connecting through video is 10x better than the outdated profile picture and bio. Video makes it fun and engaging, with the ability to naturally show your personality. Networking is seen as more of “what does this person do?” Instead, Connectful strives to show the human qualities that we all have, which ultimately creates better connections. 

Film a “Video Intro,” a 20-second pitch about yourself in your profile and you’re set! 
